Course Structure | Fellow Program In Management (FPM)

Fellow Program In
Management (FPM)

(Equivalent to Ph.D Degree)*

Course Structure

Course study/ credit requirements
In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Fellow Programme, a minimum number of Course credits are required to be earned as prescribed below


Credit Requirement (July Intake)

Modules Code No Course Title Credit
Module 1 (July to October) FP01 Research Methods in Management 3
FP02 Statistics for Management 3
FP03 General Management 3
FP04 SPSS Module -1 3
Module 2 (November to February) FP05 Stream Specific Course 1 3
FP06 Stream Specific Course 2 3
FP07 Stream Specific Course 3 3
FP08 SPSS Module -2 3
Module 3 (March to June) FP09 Literature Review Based Paper related to thesis 6
Total 30

(January Intake)

Modules Code No Course Title Credit
Module 1 (January to April) FP01 Research Methods in Management 3
FP02 Statistics for Management 3
FP03 General Management 3
FP04 SPSS Module -1 3
Module 2 (May to August) FP05 Stream Specific Course 1 3
FP06 Stream Specific Course 2 3
FP07 Stream Specific Course 3 3
FP08 SPSS Module -2 3
Module 3 (September to December) FP09 Literature Review Based Paper related to thesis 6
Total 30

Details of Courses and Seminar

The stream specific Courses and Seminars shall be decided as approved by the Director on the recommendation by the candidate’s Guide(s) and the Research Committee.

Duration for earning Credit

All the credits specified above should be earned within a maximum of two years from the date of admission to the Programme. Extension after the two years shall be approved by the Director for a period of one year with consultation of research board.

Credit Course Requirement

A research scholar should undergo 4 Courses of total 12 credits in the first module and during second module he/ she should undergo three stream-specific Courses of 9 credits and one software module of 3 credits. Thus a candidate should earn 12 credits in each first and second module. Candidate shall earn 6 credits in the third module together adding up to 30 credits in all.

Grading System of Credit Courses/ Seminar

The minimum of CGPA of 6.5 on 10 point scale or 60% is required for passing Course/ Seminar. A candidate getting less than 60% shall be given one more opportunity to repeat the Course/ Seminar. If he/ she still does not pass in the Course/ Seminar, he/ she shall be terminated from the Fellow Programme.