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Fellow Program In
Management (FPM)

(Equivalent to Ph.D Degree)*



The applicant seeking admission to the FPM programme of JIMS needs to be adhering to one of the following qualifications:

A Masters' degree or AICTE approved Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) or its equivalent in any relevant field with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.


Any professional qualifications such as CA, CFA and CS, CMA. (CA/CFA/CS must also possess a first division graduation degree from a university recognized by AIU).

2. What is the admission procedure for FPM?

Admission to the fellowship programme shall be made twice a year. Accordingly, the programme shall commence in the months of January and July every year.


The application shall be made in the prescribed form available with the Institution. Attested copies of all the necessary Certificates and testimonials are to be attached with the application. The candidate must submit an abstract of about 5000 words on the area of research interest (tentative research proposal) along with his / her application.


Applicants can fill the online admission form and make an online payment of INR. 2000/- at the admission portal.

3. What are the selection criteria of your college?

Selection for the Fellowship Programme shall be made on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Academic qualifications and work experience
  • Tentative research proposal and its presentation before the Selection Committee
  • Personal Interview
4. What is the fee structure of your programs?
Click here to view FPM Fee Structure
5. What specializations JIMS FPM offer?

FPM students can specialize in one of the following areas:

  • Finance and Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Organizational Behavior/ Human Resource Management
  • Operations Management and Quantitative Methods
  • Strategy and General Management
  • Economics
  • The fellowship programme provides a financial support of Rs. 20000 per month after completion of course work for two years or submission of thesis whichever occur earlier. All selected students, holding an Indian Nationality, are eligible for award of JIMS fellowship.
  • In addition the student can avail the JRF(Junior Research Fellowship) provided by UGC
7. What makes JIMS FPM different from other institutes offering Ph.D program?
  • Linkage of Fellowship Programme with Industry Projects
  • Support in patenting and copyrighting innovative ideas
  • Career guidance and support through CRMC
  • Experiential learning through teaching assignments
  • Consultancy assignments and projects
  • Access to JIMS Incubation Centre
  • Support for Conference and Seminar Participations
8. What all is included in the fees?

Fee includes Tuition fee and coursework fee

9. Are classes mandatory to attend?

Yes, 75% attendance in coursework classes for FPM is a must

10. What designation I can get after my FPM.

You can apply for assistant and associate professor in the field of academics, further a research doctoral degree in Management is highly appreciated in corporate

11. I am currently Asst. Professor in XYZ institute. Will I be promoted directly to associate after my FPM?

You will be fulfilling the eligibility for associate professor; however promotion schemes are subjective with respect to institutions / regulatory bodies.
