Research Paper | Fellow Program In Management (FPM)
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Fellow Program In
Management (FPM)

(Equivalent to Ph.D Degree)*

Scholar's publications and presentations

Research Paper Presentations at Conferences
Scholar Name Research Paper Title Conference Details
Kashika Chadha Luxury Fashion Brands Embracing the Digital: An Exploratory study to unfold the success strategy ICBM, DTU, 29 and 30th March,2019
A Review of Content Sharing and communication over social media platforms ICOMBS, IBS Hyderabad,15th and 16th November,2019
Content Marketing: Taking a leap forward with social media PAN IIM Rohtak, 12,13,14th December,2019
Who plays the second fiddle on Social Media? A review of Marketer Generated Content and User generated content Entrepreneurship, Resource Planning, and Regional Development (IMI Bhuvneshwar), 29th and 30th November,2019
Length and Breadth of content Marketing with respect to social media MTMI Conference, Mauritius, 20 and 21st December,2019
MILAP Cosmetics- Expanding horizons and Exploring new markets International Case Conference, Katastasi (FIIB), 4th Jan,2020
A comparative study on the dimensions of Marketer generated content and user generated content on social platforms International conference on Business Transformation in Global Digital Era: Re-innovate, Re-strategize, Re-model (INCONSYM,2020), 20th,21st & 22nd February,2020
A Review of Social Media Content: A New Power horse of Marketing International Conference on Advances in Management Practices (ICAMP),2020
Developing a conceptual framework of Social Media Engagement: Drivers, Dimensions & Concequences International Management Conference, AMRIT, 16,17th & 18th December,2020
Shabnam Kumari Exploring the Architecture of Fourth Industrial Revolution: Globalization 4.0 Entrepreneurship, Resource Planning, and Regional Development (IMI Bhuvneshwar), 29th and 30th November,2019
Indian Export Performance in Pre and Post reform Period: A Review MTMI Conference, Mauritius, 20 and 21st December,2019
An Empirical Investigation of Indian Agricultural Exports during 2013-2018 IIM Sambalpur, 28.29,30, December, 2019
A Study on the Key Determinants of Indian Agricultural Exports in the Post Reform Period International Conference on Advances in Management Practices”, JIMS Rohini, 23rd May, 2020
Determinants of Indian Agricultural Exports in the post reform period: With specific reference to Tea, Natural Rubber & Coffee (green) Finance India International Research Conference, Indian Institute of Finance, Greater Noida, 8th August, 2020.
Somya Jain Millennials And Motivation: What works? PAN IIM Rohtak, 12,13,14th December2019
“Collaboration and Trust at the workplace, Can it affect the personality traits of an employee?” IIM Sambalpur, 28.29,30, December 2019
Dynamics of Servant Leadership, Authentic Leadership, and Mindfulness Transforming HR in the digital ERA: prospectus and implicit issues, IMS Ghaziabad, 11th January 2020
“Impact of personality traits on the organizational culture dimensions” Entrepreneurship, Resource Planning, and Regional Development (IMI Bhubaneswar), 29th and 30th November2019
Role of Emotional Intelligence in handling stress: Evidence from Higher Education International Conference on Advances in Management Practices ICAMP- 2020, 23th May 2020
Place of emotional intelligence and mindfulness in entrepreneurs life International Conference on Dynamic Business Environment: Challenges & Opportunities in the New Normal-ICDBE-2021, IMS Ghaziabad University Courses Campus
Great Leader in COVID 19: Narendra Modi VIPS December 2020
Himanshu Goel Future growth of E-commerce Contribution Analysis of Marketing and Finance Functions IIM Indore International Conference Proceedings (Emerald), 26 - 28th, July, 2019
M/M/1 single server Markovian Queuing systems with reverse balking and Catastrophe IIM Ahmedabad Conference Proceedings, 16-18th December, 2019
A Management Dilemma: Less Cash vs Cash Less International Case Conference, Katastasi (FIIB), 4th Jan,2020
Customer Perception Towards online Banking in terms of usability, Risks & Comfort PAN IIM Rohtak, 12,13,14th December,2019
Analyzing Cointegration and Causality between Indian Stock Market and Macroeconomic Variables IIM Sirmaur - Paper Accepted, 6-7th March, 2020
Stochastic Stock Price Prediction Model Entrepreneurship, Resource Planning, and Regional Development (IMI Bhuvneshwar), 29th and 30th November,2019
Are Indian and Chinese Stock Market Interlinked ? An Application of Causality and Cointegration Approaches Finance India International Research Conference, Indian Institute of Finance, Greater Noida, 8th August, 2020.
Reverse reneging with encouraged arrivals and catastrophe 5th International Conference on “Global Business Environment, Entrepreneurship, Resource Planning and Regional Development”, IMI Bhubaneswar, 29-30th, November, 2019
Dynamic Prediction of Indian of Indian Stock Market: An Artificial Neural Network Approach The open University, Hong Kong, September
Analyzing International Linkage of the Indian Stock Market with the Chinese Stock Market using Causality and Cointegration Approaches ICAMP, 2020
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs):- An effective tool in Financial Analysis MTMI Mauritius, 20-21th, December, 2019
Rashika Malik Achieving Sustainable development through Green Banking Prastuti 2020, 7th March 2020
Sustainable Banking: A Roadmap to Sustainable Development ICAMP 2020, 23rd May 2020
Rupanshi Toteja Transforming Delhi Tourism to Ecotourism Prastuti, JIMS, 7th March 2020
Moving Religious Tourism to Virtual Tourism International conference- ICAMP 2020 at JIMS, 23rd May 2020
Disruptions Exacerbating E-Learning Process- An Empirical Work National E-conference on SDG 4 Covid-19: Re-calibrating Indian Education System at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 24th July 2020
Sustainable Strategies for Tele-Medicine Industry International Conference on Strategies for Sustainable Practices: During and Post Covid at Jagannath Univeristy on 1st October 2020
Confirmatory Analysis of factors influencing users adoption of OTT Industry E-Conference on Industry 4.0 - Current Scenarios and Potential Directions at PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry on 16th October 2020
Vandana Green hrm in promoting environmental sustainability- a road map for Indian retail companies ICAMP- 23rd May 2020
Green hrm in promoting environmental sustainability- a road map for Indian IT companies Prastuti 2020- 7th March 2020
Jasmeet Kaur Blockchain: A contemporary tool in Banking sector ICBM, DTU, 29 and 30th March,2019
Digi India: A Growth Trajectory Entrepreneurship, Resource Planning, and Regional Development (IMI Bhuvneshwar), 29th and 30th November,2019
An Empirical study of financial linkages between stock markets of SAARC nations IIM Sambalpur, 28.29,30, December, 2019
Analysis of Dynamic linkages between the Stock Markets of Emerging Market Economies (EME)s.  
Analysing the applicability of Black & Scholes approach: A Systematic review MTMI Conference, Mauritius, 20 and 21st December,2019
Pooja Kudesia An Emperical Study on Effectiveness of Customer Engagement Strategies adopted by Leading banks during four Lockdowns in Jaipur City International Webinar on Contemporary Issues on Business Management and Information Technology , 22 & 23 , June , 2020, Amity Univeristy , Patna
Niche Products : Analyzing Middle Aged Consumer Propensity to Purchase over Generic products in Jaipur City International Conference on Advances in Management Practices ( ICAMP , 2020) , May 23 , 2020
Study of Effectiveness of Instagram as a tool for Marketing amongst Yoga Teachers in Jaipur City International Conference on Inter disciplinary Academic Research & Innovation ( IARI, 2020) , Apex College , Makrana , Rajasthan , 31 Jan -1 Feb , 2020
Multivariate Analysis of the Factors Influencing Purchase Decision of Customers Towards New WagonR in Jaipur City International Conference on Business Management and Social Innovation , 24 Aug , 2019
Anuradha Jain Effect of CRM on Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Indian PSU Bank INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARKETING, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY
Organized by IIM Kozhikode from December 07th - 09th, 2020
Priyanka Sadhna Key Motivators for Generation Z at Workplace International Conference on Advances in Management Practices (ICAMP), 2020, 23 May 2020, JIMS, New Delhi, India
Making way for Gen Z employees: Revisiting employee engagement International Conference on Dynamic Business Environment: Challenges & Opportunities in the New Normal-ICDBE-2021, IMS Ghaziabad University Courses Campus
Sarvesh Yadav Every Crowd has a silver Lining: Emergence & Application of Crowdsourcing Entrepreneurship, Resource Planning, and Regional Development (IMI Bhuvneshwar), 29th and 30th November,2019
Crowdsourcing: Development & Application in Marketing MTMI Conference, Mauritius, 20 and 21st December,2019
Defining the level of Customer Satisfaction towards cab services in Delhi: An Analytical Study IIM Sambalpur, 28.29,30, December, 2019
Exploring and Harnessing the Crowd: Crowdsourcing PAN IIM Rohtak, 12,13,14th December,2019
Heena Arora Neuromarketing: A tool to understand consumer psychology MDI, Murshidabad
ACT: An Action to communicate & transform AIMA
Defining the level of Customer Satisfaction towards cab services in Delhi: An Analytical Study IIM Sambalpur
Deepak Nudge Theory and Its Application in Organic Consumer Products: A Review Study” MDI, Murshidabad
Ashish Siha Social Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Work EDI,Ahmedabad,25-27th February,2021
Disha Garg The Dynamic shift in HR Landscape due to COVID-19: An Exploratory Study International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm organized by
MDI Murshidabad from 19th-21st March, 2021
Research Paper Publications
Scholar Name Paper Title Journal Details
Kashika Chadha MILAP Cosmetics- Expanding horizons and Exploring new markets Journal of Management and Public Policy (MDRF), Vol.11 No.1,2019
Customer Satisfaction from ecommerce website International Journal of Engineering, applied and management sciences paradigms, Vol.54 Issue 8, November,2019
A Review of Content marketing with respect to social media GHS-IMR, Vol12, Issue 1& 2, December,2019
Luxury Fashion brands Embracing the Digital: An Exploratory Study to Unfold the Success Strategy ‘Manthan’- Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol.7 Issue 2, January,2020
Shabnam Kumari Impact of Cultural Differences on Organization Performance: with reference to Tech Mahindra Ltd. Indian Journal of Management & Indian Business Studies, Vol. 6, Issue 1
Defining impact of colours in buying behaviour of the customers with reference to mobile phones International Journal of Engineering , Applied and Management Sciences & Paradigms, Vol 54 Issue 7, October,2019
Mental Health Issues with Entrepreneurs in a Start-up Journey: Concerns & Remedies Tathapi, UGC Care, June 2020
Exploring the Architecture of Fourth Industrial Revolution: Globalization 4.0 Focus: Journal of International Business, EBSCO, Proquest, ICI Index, December 2020
Determinants of Indian Agricultural Exports in the Post Reform Period with special reference to Tea, Natural Rubber and Coffee (Green) Finance India, Scopus, ABDC – C, Scopus indexed, Vol. XXXIV No. 4, December 2020, Page 1563 – 1578.
Impact of the COVID-19, Lockdown and Unlock on the Indian Stock Market and its International Linkage with the Chinese Stock Market International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Scopus, ABDC – C.
Himanshu Goel Ratio Analysis: A Study on Financial performance of Ashok Leyland Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. No. 3 Issue 5, May, 2019
Ratio Analysis: A Study on Financial performance of Eicher Motors International Journal of Engineering, applied and management sciences paradigms, Vol.54 Issue 3, June,2019
Stochastic Stock Price Prediction Model Our Heritage UGC CARE (Category - B), Vol. 67, Issue 2, December, 2019
A Management Dilemma: Less Cash vs Cash Less Management Practices in the New Millennium (Bloomsbury Publication), Edited Book
Are Indian and Chinese Stock Market Interlinked ? An Application of Causality and Cointegration Approaches Finance India, ABDC C and Scopus Indexed Journal
Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown, Unlock on the Indian Stock Market and its International Linkage with the Chinese Stock Markets International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, Scopus, ABDC – C.
Analyzing Nexus between Stock Market and Key Macroeconomic Variables using Cointegration and Causality Approaches International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, SCI and UGC Care
Analyzing Interlinkages of Indian Stock Market with Other Emerging Asian Markets International Journal of Economics and Business Research, ABDC C and Scopus
Analyzing International Linkage of the Indian Stock Market with the Chinese Stock Market using Causality and Cointegration Approaches Clio: An Interdisciplinary Journal, UGC Care
Exploring the Architecture of Fourth Industrial Revolution: Globalization 4.0 Focus: Journal of International Business, EBSCO, Proquest, ICI Index, December 2020
A Meta Analysis of the Application of ANNs in Accounting and Finance SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Scopus and UGC Care
  Behavioral Finance: Investors’ Cognitive Mistakes Kala Sarovar, UGC Care Journal
Rashika Malik Sustainable development through green banking: a study on Indian banking sector International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 07, Issue 07, pp. 6089-6094, July, 2020
Rupanshi Toteja Marketing Strategies During Pandemic Times Shodh Sanchar Bulletin ,UGC Care, Vol 10, Issue 38, April - June 2020, Page no- 232-240
Disruptions Exacerbating E-Learning Process At Instructor's End- An Empirical Work Sambodhi, UGC Care, October to December 2020, Volume 43 , Issue 4.
Sustainable Strategies of Tele-Medicine Industry – Shodh Sanchar Bulletin ,UGC Care, Vol 10, Issue 40, October-December 2020
Vandana The Dynamics of Green HRM: Present and Future Perspective Shodh Sanchar Bulletin ,ISSN No-2229-3620 for June2020 Issue.
Sarvesh Yadav Earning consumer satisfaction: a sustainable strategy(res.patanjali ayurveda ltd. IJMS
A study on the comparison of branded apparels with non branded apparels among the youth IJEAM
An analytical study to understand the level of customer satisfaction towards cab services in delhi Tathapi
Pooja Kudesia Factors Affecting the Adoption of Apps by Lower Income Group Segment in Jaipur Wesleyan Journal of Research , October 2020 13(31):13-17, ISSN No :0975-1386
An Empirical Study on Effectiveness of Customer Engagement Strategies Adopted by leading Banks during four lockdowns in Jaipur City Tathapi Multidisciplinary Journal , Vol-19-Issue-25-June-2020), ISSN:2320-0693
Factors Influencing Cognitive Evaluation in Attitude Formation Purukala Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol-31-Issue-04-April-2020 2020,ISSN :0971-2143
Review Paper on Diffusion of Eco -Innovation Products Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research, Vol.6, Issue 10, October 2019, ISSN: 2349-5162
Multivariate Analysis of the Factors Influencing Purchase Decision of Customers Towards New WagonR in Jaipur City Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Issue 6 , June 2019, ISSN: 2349-5162
Deconstructing Emotional Strings of SpeakAsia IOSR Journal of Business & Management
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 20, Issue 8. Ver. III (August. 2018), PP 01-05
Anuradha Jain Student’s experience with online learning in the times of covid-19: insights from a coaching institute” International Journal of Engineering,Applied and Management Science Paradigms
Priyanka Sadhna Key motivators for driving work performance amid COVID-19 in developing nations International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 11(2), 105-119.
GenZ entering the workforce: Restructuring HR policies and practices for fostering the task performance and organizational commitment Journal of Public Affairs, e2535.
Book Publication- Let’s Redefine Preparation Bloomsbury,2021
Jasmeet Kaur Ratio Analysis: A Study on Financial performance of Eicher Motors Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. No. 3 Issue 5, May, 2019
Ratio Analysis: A Comparative study on the financial performance of Maruti Suzuki & Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) International Journal of Engineering, applied and management sciences paradigms, Vol.54 Issue 4, November,2019
Somya Jain Can Personality traits impact the organization's culture? International Journal of Management Studies, Vol VII, Issue 1, January 2020 (UGC)
Millennials on Job Hunt International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Volume 9, Issue 1. Ser II (UGC)
Dynamics of Servant Leadership, Authentic Leadership, and Mindfulness Tathapi (UGC Care)
Emotional Intelligence sword of women entrepreneur: In India International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development(Scopus Indexed) ISSN(P): 2249-6890 ISSN:2249-8001 Vol.10, Issue 3, Jun 2020
Mixed emotions and cultural value of higher education students: In COVID-19 MuktShabd Journal(UGC CARE), Volume IX, Issue VII, JULY/2020
Conflict Management( Case Study) International Journal of Research in Social Sciences(UGC) Vol.10 Issue 08, August 2020, ISSN: 2249-2496
An Alternative Structure of Delivering Management Education in India (Sage, UGC Care)
Role of Emotional Intelligence in Handling Stress: Evidence From Higher Education IJRAR-International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN
2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.7, Issue 4,
Page No pp.580-588, October 2020.
Heena Neuromarketing: A tool to understand consumer pdychology Psychology & Education Journal, Scopus Indexed
An analytical study to understand the level of customer satisfaction towards cab services in delhi Tathapi,UGC CARE