Entrepreneurship Development Cell

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About EDC

The Entrepreneurial Development Cell (EDC) at Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS) is designed to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among young students. In a dynamic and evolving Indian market characterised by job market volatility and skill shortages, the EDC aims to empower students with innovative, strategic, and disciplined thinking. The goal is to not only equip students with the skills necessary


To foster an entrepreneurial spirit among students by developing their innovative capabilities, strategic thinking, and disciplined approach, enabling them to create self-sustaining businesses that drive social and economic progress.


To create a vibrant ecosystem where students embrace entrepreneurship as a viable and attractive career path, contributing positively to society and the economy while achieving personal and professional growth.


  • Develop Entrepreneurial Skills: Equip students with essential skills such as innovation, strategic planning, financial management, and leadership to enable them to start and sustain their own businesses.
  • Promote a Hustler’s Mindset: Instil a mindset of resilience, creativity, and self-reliance among students to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in the entrepreneurial landscape.
  • Encourage Independent Thinking: Foster a culture of independence and self-sufficiency by providing resources and support for students to develop and launch their own ventures
  • Drive Social and Economic Impact: Encourage projects and startups that address societal issues and contribute to economic development, thereby acting as a catalyst for positive change.

Key Resources Provided:

  • Workshops and Training: Conduct workshops, seminars, and training sessions on entrepreneurship basics, business planning, financial literacy, and other relevant topics.
  • Mentorship Programs: Connect students with experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts for guidance, support, and networking opportunities.
  • Incubation Support: Provide resources such as office space, technical support, and seed funding to help students launch and scale their ventures.
  • Competitions and Challenges: Organise business plan competitions, pitch events, and hackathons to encourage innovation and practical problem-solving.
  • Networking Events: Facilitate networking events with industry professionals, investors, and successful entrepreneurs to build connections and explore collaboration opportunities

Success Metrics

  • Number of Startups Launched: Track the number of student-led startups that are successfully launched and sustained.
  • Job Creation: Measure the impact on job creation both within the student ventures and the broader community
  • Social Impact: Assess the social contributions of student projects and their effects on local and national issues.
  • Student Engagement: Monitor student participation in EDC activities and their feedback on the effectiveness of the programs.

Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Industry Leaders: Collaborate with industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs for mentorship and guidance.
  • Academic Institutions: Partner with other educational institutions for joint initiatives, research, and best practices sharing.
  • Government and NGOs: Engage with government agencies and non-governmental organizations for support, funding, and resources

Student Coordinators

Faculty Co-ordinator
  • Dr. Sheetal Chadda Professor
  • Email: sheetal.chadda@jimsindia.org