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Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission of the Institute


To be an Institute of Academic Excellence with total commitment to quality education and research in Management and Information Technology with a holistic concern for better life, environment and society.


To serve the society and improve the quality of life by imparting high quality education in management and information technology, providing training and development services, fostering research, giving consultancy services to industry and disseminating knowledge through the publication of books, journals and magazines.


We, at Jagan Institute of Management Studies are committed to provide quality technical education, bearing in mind expressed and implied needs of the students, industry and society. We aim at providing, on a permanent basis, facilities for the students to achieve academic excellence for employability as world class managers and entrepreneurs. Apart from a teaching institution, we aim at enhancing our research and development efforts. Quality Policy of the organization is widely disseminated through all channels of communication which include bill boards, HR Manual, Website and other printed and digital mediums. Implementation of the policy is ensured through an all-round participation of all stakeholders namely, the management, faculty members, staff members and students, parents, alumni and recruiters.
