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Post Graduate Diploma
in Retail Management

Duration: 2 Year


PGDM-RM PROGRAMME® (Batch 2024-26)

I Total Two specializations offered - Marketing and Finance. To be taken up in Trim.III, IV- V I Year Credit 63
II Total Marks of the programme                3900 Total Credits of the programme     : 117 II Year Credit 54
Total 117
III Total Courses(Trim.I-III ) Twenty One papers of 58.5 credits plus Communication+comprehensive viva-voce of 4.5 credits and Two Elective Papers
IV Total Courses(Trim.IV-VI) Seven Papers of 19.5 credits, Two specialization electives of 18 credits. S.I. project & viva of 6 credits, Final Project Viva 3 credits
V SDL 7.5 Credits
Trimester I
Trimester I
Managerial Economics
Quantitative Techniques
Marketing Management -I
Fundamentals of Management
Accounting for Managerial Decision
Legal Aspects of Business
Principles & Concepts of Retail
Fundamentals of Operations Management
Business Communication
Trimester II
Trimester II
Macro Economics Management
Human Resource Management
Marketing Management -II
Merchandising & Category Management
Financial Management
Optimization Techniques
Retail Store Operations
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management
Managerial Communication
Trimester III
Trimester III
Trimester III
Consumer Behavior
Business Research Methods
Financial Institutions & Markets
Visual Merchandising
Data Visualisation & Modeling
Executive Communication
Trimester IV
Trimester IV
Retail Analytics
Retail Supply Chain Management
Retail Strategic Management
Summer Internship Report Plus Viva Voca
Trimester V
Trimester V
Sourcing & Operations in Online Business
Luxury Retail
Mall Management
Trimester VI
Trimester VI
Corporate Ethics, Values & CSR
Final Project & Viva*
Self Directed Learning (SDL)*

Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

Courses / Projects
MOOCS – 3 Courses
Social Sensitivity Project
Live Projects
Industry Research Projects
Research Papers presentation (2 papers*3 credits)
Publications (2 papers* 3 credits)
NCFM Certification (2 courses* 3 credits)
Workshops (0.5*3)



S.No. Trimester IV
1 Services Marketing

Brand Management

3 B2B Marketing
4 Digital Marketing
S.No. Trimester V
1 International Marketing Management
2 Integrated Marketing Communication
3 Marketing Analytics
4 Contemporary Practices in Marketing


S.No Trimester IV
1 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
2 *Strategic Financial Management
3 Personal Financial Planning
4 Financial Modelling - II
S.No Trimester V
1 Business Valuations & Corporate Restructuring
2 Corporate Tax Planning & Management
3 International Finance & Risk Management
4 Financial Derivatives

Apart from core and elective courses, we at JIMS, engage and empower students by allowing them to discuss, debate and solve real business challenges through outbound experiential learning. Through these activities students demonstrate their ability to apply learned skills and also students push boundaries, propose and explore much needed solutions across disciplines and cultures.

Self-Directed Learning (SDL)

Life Skills Education
Live Project
Industry Research Project
Research paper presentation
Research Paper Publications
Entrepreurship Project