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MDP on Leading & Winning: A Roadmap for Front line managers

MDP on the TopicLeading & Winning: A Roadmap forFront line managers” was conducted for executives from BHEL and HMT India Ltdfrom 29th January,2021 to 30th January,2021. The firstday primarily focused on providing the participants an overview of specificcritical factors which are essential in order to become an effective leader intheir respective functional areas. Dr. Neha Shukla discussed the quadrants ofEmotional Intelligence and their implications in our professional and personallives. A self-awareness inventory on the same was shared with the participantsand inputs were given on how to improve the weak areas on that test. Ms. SonalPahwa highlighted the Big 5 personality traits and its specific relationshipwith leadership. She further explained workplace situations through thosetraits and discussed how they affect our day to day lives on the professionalfront. The implication of situational leadership theory and how it can beutilized by leaders was also discussed through case examples. The day endedwith an enthusiastic discussion where participants highlighted their weak areasand sought intervention for the same from the resource persons.

The second daystarted with the overview of the movie 12 angry men. Participants from both theorganizations were sent to breakout rooms on zoom session. After which theydiscussed and spoke of the top three characters who influenced them the mostand their specific traits. Dr. Neha explained how the movie and its themehighlight the component of EQ and Big 5 personality traits. Ms. Sonal’s sessionon conflict management was attended with lot of enthusiasm, where differentdimensions of a workplace conflict and how to resolve them were analyzed.Participants discussed some of their experiences and shared their views onconflict handling at workplace. The 2 day online MDP ended with knowledgesharing and heartfelt gratitude by both the participants and the resourcepersons.
