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Getting ready: Journey from campus to corporate

JIMS organized an web placement for BBAfirst year students on 22nd January, 2021 whichwas conducted by Prof. S.C. Kapoor. Siris presently associated with Third Millennium Business Resource AssociatesPrivate Limited as Executive Director & has over 45 years of experience atthe Corporate, consulting and innovative mix of academics. He is associatedwith JIMS as a professor and a number of other reputed management institutesfor coaching students, especially with a focus on developing their competencyas future managers.

 The session was a mix of both fun activitiesand knowledge so that students feel comfortable in clearing their queries anddoubts that they have in their minds related to the course. The sessionfocussed on preparing the students to work in corporate as future managers.This event solely focussed on enhancing the student’s managerial skills. Thestudents were encouraged to come up with their doubts and also made themunderstand what corporate expect from them. The games were designed such thatthere was full engagement from the student’s side and they enjoyed a lot. Overallthe session was very encouraging and motivating for the students. The studentswere highly enthusiastic and were happy after attending the session.
