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Pre-Placement Activity - Developing Positive Attitude and skills

It is very important for the students nowadays to understand what all changes and development that they need to bring in their personality and communication for placements and higher studies. In both the cases they would go through interview rounds in which they would be judged primarily on the basis of their personality.

To groom the students in this aspect JIMS Rohini, Sec -5, organized a guest lecture on 30th August, 2019 that was delivered by Ms. Anuja Thakkar who is an expert in the domain of personality development and life skills.

In this duration of two hours she conducted a very interactive session, in which she discussed about significance of personality, factors that contribute to build personality such as mental health, physical health, and emotional health.

Pre-Placement Activity - Developing Positive Attitude and skills
Pre-Placement Activity - Developing Positive Attitude and skills

She also shared her thoughts w.r.t. general life skills, the significance of positivity in life and motivated students to perform well in all the areas. After this session, the students could attain the knowledge about how should they appear, behave and react in different situations.

The event was further concluded by a Q&A session and certainly helped in motivating the students and in realising the importance of effective communication and having a pleasing personality in one’s life.

Pre-Placement Activity - Developing Positive Attitude and skills
Pre-Placement Activity - Developing Positive Attitude and skills
