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Pre Placement activity on Quantitative Aptitude skills.

Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Sector 5, Rohini, Delhi organized a pre placement activity on Thursday, 16thAugust, 2018 at its premises through a session on Quantitative Aptitude Skills. 

The event was planned and organized by Ms. Geeta Sharma to ensure the student’s knowledge enhancement on the topic, its various methods and practical questions for the same. 

Large number of students from final year poured in, to gain more practical exposure.

Prof. J. P. Singh, the resource person initiated the discussion with his wise words on courage, confidence and prudence and then started the lecture covering quantitative topics like- average speed, profit/loss, change in time and percentage.

The discussion ended with a question and answer with the students.

Overall it was a fruitful session aimed at preparing the final year students to prepare fortheir placements.
