On 30th January2015 ACADEMIC CLUB of JIMS organizeda new and innovate competition for all the imaginative and visionary minds ofour college, known as “the e-waste competition”. The first event of 2015and the semester got such lively participation andresponse from all the teams as well as the audience.
The students actively participated in theevent. There were 14 teamsconsisting of 2-3 members each. Teams were given names according to alphabeticorder. Event was hosted by Aman Kalra of BBA 4th semester. All theparticipants were provided with different types of electronic waste materialsand an hour to make something creative out of it. The audience was also verysupportive one. Everyone’s attention was to see what all the teams can makeusing the given waste materials.

Teams worked upon and mademany conceptive things out of the waste, some of the creations included Gramophone,Stadium, Smart City, Handbag, Eco Friendly Robot and many more.
The Chief Guest Mr. Vijender Singh enlightened the students about the importanceof the waste management, his words included message from Mr. Narendra Modi’sSwatch Bharat Abhiyaan. He also praised the initiative of the ACADEMIC CLUB toturn the waste recycling into an interesting competition. The dean sir Mr. Manpreet Singh Sandhu alsointeracted with the participants.
Presentation of thecreations was done by the teams in front of the judges. The judgment was madeby our faculty members Ms. Latika Kharaband Ms. Deepti. Team “N” consisting of Shikhar Bansal of BBA& Kunal Goel of BCA won the first prize. The 2nd and the 3rdprizes went to team “F” (Atul, Manav& Ankush of BBA) and team “A” (Akash,Saurabh & Manav of MCA) respectively. The winners were awarded with prizemoney and certificates.
The event had a greatsuccess and the motive of making students aware of importance of recycling wasalso fulfilled.