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JIMS Rohini Organized Industrial Visit- Relaxo Footwear Limited

The PGDM-RM 2024-26 batch of JIMS visited Relaxo Footwear Limited on December 9, 2024, for an enriching industry exposure. The visit provided students with an in-depth understanding of the operational, strategic, and managerial facets of a leading footwear manufacturer. Through a guided tour of the manufacturing facility, they observed key processes such as material procurement, production, finishing, and quality control, gaining insights into Lean Manufacturing and operational efficiency.

Additionally, students explored Relaxo’s supply chain dynamics, including inventory management and logistics strategies, to understand how the company ensures seamless product distribution across a vast retail network. The session on marketing and branding highlighted Relaxo's impactful use of advertising, market segmentation, and consumer engagement strategies, which are critical in sustaining its competitive edge.

The visit also underscored the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, showcasing how businesses can integrate eco-friendly practices into their operations. This exposure bridged the gap between academic learning and practical application, reinforcing core retail management concepts.

Overall, the visit to Relaxo Footwear Limited was a valuable learning experience that enhanced the students' industry readiness and provided them with actionable insights to tackle future corporate challenges effectively.

jims institute visited relaxo footwear
jims visited relaxo footwear

visited relaxo footwear
visited relaxo footwear jims

visited relaxo footwear jims institute
visited relaxo footwear jims institute rohini