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The finance club of JIMS organized the IPL Bidding Simulation Game

INVESTOFIN - The finance club of JIMS organized the IPL Bidding Simulation Game on Thursday i.e. 21st November 2024 for the students of PGDM – General, International Business and Retail Management. The activity aimed at showcasing the team management and the decision making skills in students. Also, giving a brief idea about real time auctioning and bidding, funds management and portfolio management to students.

47 teams registered themselves to participate in the competition and each team consisted of 3 members. All the registered teams have gone through the screening process which was the preliminary round.A quiz was conducted which comprised of financial knowledge and current affairs on cricket. On the basis of marks in the preliminary round, top 15 teams were selected and undergone the process of bidding.

The selected teams were given 50 crores of virtual money and asked to prepare the team of 5 players. The portfolio should consists of 1 batsman , 1 bowler , 1 wicket keeper, 2 all-rounders . Any team not meeting the above mentioned criteria was directly disqualified. During the process, after every bid of 10 players, all 15 teams were given time for making further strategy.

The evaluation was done on the basis of the credit scores. The competition was evaluated by the finance club coordinators.One coordinator per team was assigned for the evaluation of credit scores and amount spent on buying the players. Teams with top two credit scores were declared winners . All the 15 teams were appreciated and awarded with certificates.  The winning teams were awarded with the prize worth Rs.3000 and 2nd and 3rd position holding team was awarded by Rs 2000 and Rs 1000 respectively.

The winners were:

Ist Position


  • Aniket Sharma
  • Pranjal Jardon
  • Ekta Bahugana

IInd Position


  • Ayush Sharma
  • Sobhanjeet Panda
  • Tushar sharma


IIIrd Position

PGDM- General

  • Priyanshu Rawat
  • Arzoo Sharma
  • Harshit
  • Sec-A

Overall, the event was well appreciated by the students, Deans and other staff members.

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ipl bidding jims

ipl bidding jims institute
jims ipl bidding