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JIMS Rohini Organized a Guest Session On Dress to lead

On 31 st Jan, 2023, a Guest Session was organised on 'Dress to lead' by Mrs. Jyoti Ahuja for the batch
of PGDM Retail Management students 2022-24. This session aimed to empower students with the
knowledge of power dressing.

Dressing for success is a phrase we all have heard before. If you want to be taken seriously in
business, dress like a leader because you need to dress in a way that gives others confidence in
you. As a leader, it is particularly important for you to inspire confidence and to influence
others. By dressing well, you can lead by example.
What does dressing like a leader mean? Is it wearing a suit like a uniform so you demand
respect from your team? A true leader doesn’t demand respect with what they wear. It has to
come from who they are. If someone has the right attitude they can motivate others through
their spirit and confidence. What you wear can give you confidence in yourself. Of course, when
working in an office requires one to dress in an appropriate way, but your personal style will
come out in what you wear. What you wear communicates a lot about you, and how you value
There were a lot of valuable lessons from this guest session for students. The highlight was
when she discussed how one can get rid of the mother tongue influence while talking and
one quotation that will remain with the students all their life i.e. “First Impression is not the
last impression rather the last impression is the lasting impression”. One can be sure that
after this session there was a high level of enthusiasm in every student's heart to bring out
there inner entrepreneur.