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JIMS Rohini Organized Workshop on Application of the Fundamentals of Management for a Retail Venture

A path breaking and innovative workshop titled "The Application of the Fundamentals of
Managemen for a Retail Venturet" was organized at the JIMS Rohini campus on 18 th January,2023
for PGDM - Retail Management students batch ( 2022-24). The resource Person was Mr. Soumitra
Mookherjee, Senior Management Consultant and Visiting Professor-JIMS.
The students were divided into groups of 5 members each, and each team was responsible for
identifying a business venture of their own, which could be any business apart from Organized
Retailing. Each team had a leader who precipitated collaborative efforts from his other team
members to ensure that the project work and presentation was done smoothly and meaningfully.
The objective of this workshop was to assess how well the students could apply what they have
learnt in their core management subject Fundamentals of Management and Organization Behavior
into the real life practical situation; and forecast and create a vision for taking their considered
business venture to new heights of excellence. The core concepts considered for discussions
include the following:

1. Vision, Mission and Objectives
2. The elements of planning
3. The allocation and organization of critical resources 
4. The decision on staffing 
5. The structure to define the direction setting and leadership spirit 
6. Methods adopted for executing control mechanisms to prevent deviations from targets and the
specified objectives.

There were in total 4 teams, where each team referred to an innovative business venture, applied
the core essence of the above principles and made a 15 minutes presentation on what they have
learnt and how these concepts can be suitably applied in their business settings. Every single
member had to contribute, participate and deliver a portion of the presentation.

This was an inclusive and collaborative workshop providing a thrust on application oriented
learning comprising the basic core aspects of the fundamentals of management.