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JIMS Rohini Organized Workshop On Data Analytics

A workshop in Data Analytics was conducted on 5 th December, 2022 by Faculty, Sanjive
Saxena for the PGDM Retail Management Students batch 2022-24. The objective of the
workshop was to expose the students in the real life applications of data analytics as is used
in Industry. To achieve this objective, the students were provided with the industry oriented
data set. The students were exposed to the preliminaries needed prior to conducting data
analytics. This included the aspects such as data cleaning, data transformation and filtering of
data. Once this was achieved, they were introduced to basic concepts of Pivot Table and the
conditional formatting of MS Excel Software. In addition to these preliminaries the practical
applications of statistical measures such as mean, median, mode and normal distribution were
covered to drive home the path that would be covered in the data set to achieve the object.
Once the basics were complied with the process of conducting data analytics commenced.
This included determining trends from the numbers and the relevant variables were impacting
the sales and profit parameters. Further, with the conditional formatting in operation the task
of data analytics was made easier for the students.