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JIMS Rohini Organized Guest Session On Legal Literacy Programme

JIMS Rohini organized Guest Session on “Legal Literacy Programme “for PGDM Retail management
student’s batch (2022-24) on 6 th Feb, 2023. The Resource Person was Advocate Tarun Walia.
A Legal Literacy Programme is designed to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of
legal principles and their practical application in the business and corporate world. This programme
aims to equip PGDM students with the necessary legal knowledge and skills to navigate the complex
legal landscape that they may encounter in their professional careers.
The objectives of a Legal Literacy Programme for PGDM students are multi-fold. Firstly, it seeks to
enhance their understanding of business laws, regulations, and compliance requirements. This
includes topics such as contract law, intellectual property rights, employment law, corporate
governance, and consumer protection. By gaining a solid foundation in these areas, students are
better equipped to make informed decisions and comply with legal obligations in their future roles
as managers and leaders.
It also focus on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills within a legal context. This
involves analyzing case studies, engaging in legal research, and applying legal principles to real-world
scenarios. Such exercises help students develop a strategic mindset and an ability to evaluate risks
and opportunities from a legal perspective.
Furthermore, this programme emphasizes ethical considerations and corporate social responsibility.
It highlights the importance of conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner,
taking into account legal and regulatory frameworks. Students are encouraged to understand the
legal implications of their actions and make decisions that align with ethical standards and societal
In conclusion, it is an essential component of their management education. It equips them with the
necessary legal knowledge, skills, and ethical awareness to thrive in a legal and regulatory
environment. By integrating legal literacy into their management education, PGDM students are
prepared to become responsible and legally astute business leaders.