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JIMS Rohini Organized guest session on Management learnings from Indian Sculptures

A special session on Management learnings fromIndian Sculptures was organised for the PGPM students of JIMS Rohini, Sector 5on 9th March, 2024. The session was conducted by Dr DebasisSatapathy, CGM, NBCC, New Dehi. Dr Satpathy is an authority on the subjects andhas conducted over 1000 such sessions for the students, faculty, and the industry.


Success in the ever-changing corporate andtechnological landscapes depends on pursuing effective management strategies.In the midst of this search for knowledge, the ancient Indian texts containenormous wisdom. These classic works, which date back thousands of years,provide priceless insights on leadership and management concepts that are stillrelevant in the fast-paced corporate world of today.


He dwelt on Mahabharata to find teachings thatmight direct us as we develop as leaders. The idea of dharma, which emphasizesmoral conduct, integrity, and accountability in all undertakings, isfundamental to these teachings. Leaders who uphold dharma put stakeholders,clients, and staff first because they understand that moral behaviour is thecornerstone of long-term success.


He used the Mahabharta episodes to provideinsight on organisational governance and decision-making, promoting the use ofgroup discussion to guide important choices, managing conflicts, empowerment,strategy building and performance management. Leaders may leverage the combinedknowledge of their teams and stakeholders to achieve better informed andefficient outcomes by adopting inclusive and transparent decision-makingprocedures.


Furthermore, as the Bhagavad Gita illustrates,self-awareness and reflection are essential for good leadership. Leaders areable to make wise decisions and overcome obstacles with resilience when theyhave a clear understanding of their own motivations, strengths, andshortcomings. Leaders who put others' needs first, encouraging a cooperative,compassionate, and inclusive atmosphere among their team members are bound tosucceed

The following are the main lessons that JIMSRohini students should take away from these teachings:

·        Adhere to the dharma's precepts to maintainmoral rectitude and responsibility in all that you do.

·        Develop self-awareness to comprehend yourdriving forces, areas of strength, and shortcomings as a leader.

·        Put others' needs first and cultivate aclimate of cooperation and empathy to exercise leadership.

·        Appreciate group discussions and inclusivedecision-making procedures to take advantage of the various viewpoints held byyour stakeholders and team.

·        By integrating these principles into ourpractices, we can create honest, trusting, and cooperative work cultures thatpave the way for organizational excellence.


The program was highly interactive and thestudent enjoyed every moment of the session.

