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JIMS Rohini Organized 18th Annual IT Symposium TECHBYTE 2K22

18th Annual IT Symposium TECHBYTE 2K22 was organised on 15th January, 2022. Students of MCA 1st year were part of the explicative programme. Also students of BCA were given a choice to join the event.  

Presentation and address by Resource Person:

The event started with the inaugural ceremony. New batch of MCA was enlightened with the wisdom word from our Dean IP affiliated programmes Dr. Praveen Arora followed by motivational address by Directors Dr. Pooja Jain.

Inaugural session was followed by the Technical session.

JIMS Rohini
JIMS Rohini

Technical session was glorified by 4 resource persons. 

First speaker was Ms Priyanka Khera (Alumni JIMS) Sr. Lead ( Quality Analysis), One Shield. She gave insight on machine learning applications she has contributed to.

 Our second speaker was Mr. Deepak Bansal (Alumni JIMS) Sr. Software Engineer, Google (Bangluru), who gave a very good comparison and use of virtual machine, container, docker. 

Third speaker Mr. Neeraj Puri AGM (Business & Development) Polycab India Ltd. Shared his treasured experience on Home Automation System. 

The last one was Mr. Vikas Gupta, Sr. Software Engineer, LexisNexis. He had  thrown a light on how Natural Language Processing is important now a days as in today’s world market is customer centric not product centric. 

Technical transformation was followed by a formal Vote of Thanks. 

PGDM JIMS Rohini, Delhi


1.To provide students with the Industry inputs which would help them in their projects. 

2.They get a chance to correlate what they are studying as a part of their curriculum and how those concepts are used in the Industry.

3.To give them an idea of about various role possible in different organizations where they can plan their career.

4.Also students remain in contact with the experts and they guide them on various certification as an Industry mentor. 

As a part of this symposium we release our magazine “Insight” which is compilation of various article which comply to the theme of the symposium that year. This is the outcome of sincere effort of our students and their faculty mentor.

Learning Outcomes:  

The event gave a wonderful platform to the students where they could interact with experts from Industry and their alumni too to gain insight on how heavily the Inductry 4.0 technologies have invaded the market. Also, post symposium students were better able to relate their syllabus with the Industry need. They have got interesting ideas from industry people to dig deep into their projects which they have just started as a part of their 1st semester curriculum. 

JIMS Rohini Delhi