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JIMS Rohini Organized a 3-day MDP on Business Etiquette for the executives of Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL)

The MDP Center of JIMS Rohini Sector-5 successfully conducted a 3-day MDP on Business Etiquette for the executives of Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) from 15th-17th December 2021 in online mode adhering to the Government of India guidelines on COVID protocols to be followed by the educational institutions. 

Day 1 began with an ice-breaking session with Dr. Pratima Daipuria where she addressed the attendees on ‘What is Etiquettes-Concept, Need and Relevance?’ followed by another enlightening session from Prof. V.K.Mehta on ‘Dealing with Clients and Customers’. Post lunch sessions were conducted by Ms. Ruchika Dugal where she conducted an impressive session on Presentation Skills and ‘Business Cards Exchange Handshake Etiquette Dressing and Grooming Dining Etiquette’.

Day 2 began on a high-note with our esteemed resource person Dr. Pratima Daipuria presiding the session themed ‘Professional Attitude’ followed by an engaging talk on ‘Meetings & Networking’ headed by the Director, JIMS Rohini, Dr. Pooja Jain. The second part of the day was made quite interactive by Dr. Heena Bhardwaj who threw light upon ‘Team Etiquettes’ and the last session of the day was focused on Personality and Etiquettes: The Vital Linkage’ conducted by Ms. Anuja Thakar.

On the final day of the MDP, the session concluded with some crucial aspects of Business Etiquettes such as ‘Acing the Art of Oral Communication’ addressed by Ms. Harpreet Rakhra, and a refreshing session on ‘Written Communication’ by Dr. Sonia Dhir as she brought on table her wide-experience and learning for the participants. To give complete coverage to the topics, an exciting session on ‘Etiquettes in Telephonic Conversations & Non-verbal Communication at the Workplace’ was conducted by Dr. Yukti Ahuja and the final closure to the session was given by Dr. Neelam Dhall with an Activity based feedback received from the participants of PGCIL. 

In a nutshell, the MDP on business etiquette was appreciated by the participants and we received enthusiastic response for more sessions to be held in future that upskill the employees and instil confidence in them to work efficiently in their current roles. 
