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MDP for Leadership and Team Effectiveness from concept to application

Jagan Institute of Management, Rohini in collaboration with Punjab and Sindh Bank conducted a management development program (MDP) for its managers in their respective branch, September 09, 2021. The main motive behind the program was to enhance and strengthen leadership capabilities of its managers.

The session was held on September 09, 2021. Prof. SC Kapoor being the host talked about Team Effectiveness. The objective of the session was to enhance work productivity, collaboration, teamwork and leadership skills. The focused emphasis of the discussion was on Interpersonal skills at workplace, the role of the team leader, workplace conflicts & conflict resolution and conflict management strategies. At the end of the session a small video was shown from the movie Border which shows all the concepts of management like conflict management, Emotional behavior, Motivation etc. and it ended with the National Anthem.

Discussion involved an electric mix of audio-visual aids for effective training to clarify the various aspects of Team Effectiveness. All the participants showed their active participation and involvement in it.

It was a great learning experience and an eye-opener for all the participants.


Student Coordinator: Karan Luthra
