PGDM Admissions Online Application Form

Apply Now for PGDM/ PGDM-IB/ PGDM-RM

Important Instructions for PGDM Admissions:

Payment Options:
  • Fee for JIMS PGDM Application Form is Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One thousand only)
  • For online payment, Use the link given below to pay from your bank/Credit Card/ Netbanking/Paytm
  • Or Pay by Demand Draft. Please fill up your Demand Draft details and take print of this acknowledgement receipt which should be sent along with the Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- in favour of "Jagan Institute Of Management Studies" payable at Delhi within seven days from Last Registration Date. Also at the back of Demand Draft, please mention your Name, Phone number and Registration Number.
  • The fees paid for admission form is Non-Refundable.
Check Eligibility


Please read the form carefully before filling it. Incomplete forms will be rejected without any intimation.

* A student can opt for more than one program in the same application form with no additional cost.

* Please check your eligibility before choosing the appropriate course.

** The institute reserves the right to change/cancel any centre for GD/PI other than JIMS premises.

(Fields with * are compulsary and have to be filled completely.)

Course Applied For:*
Select the Priority
Preference for GD/PI Centre :*
Details of the Qualifying examination : *
Personal Details: *
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth :
Marital Status

Aadhaar Number/ NAD ID:
Contact Details:*
Correspondence Address :
(10 digit Mobile Number only)
Permanent Address :
Family Details:*
Father Details :
Mother Details :
Educational Qualifications:
Examination Passed Stream Board/University Year of Passing CGPA/ % of Marks

Employment History:
Work Experience :
           (If, Yes ) Total Experience : Years 
(If, Yes ) Total Experience : Years
From where you come to know about JIMS:

Payment Mode:*
Anti Ragging Undertaking Reference No.
(To be filled in by the Institute)


I hereby certify that the information given in the Application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that misrepresentation or omission of facts will justify the denial of admission, cancellation of admission or expulsion.

Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
Place: *
Note :: Kindly ensure that all the fields are filled correctly.