
Recent Research & Publication

Ms. Ambika Bhatia

  • Identifying and Eliminating Waste in Medical Device Supply Chains Using Lean Six Sigma Technique in Journal of Oriental Research, Madras; ISSN 0022-3301; Jun-24
  • Implementing Lean Six Sigma to Improve Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Visibility and Patient Care in Journal of Oriental Research, Madras; ISSN 0022-3301, Apr-24
  • Role of Cloud Computing in Commerce- Applications, Future Challenges in The Design Engineering Journal; ISSN 0011-9342; Dec-21 http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/7372
  • Healthcare Supply Chain: Has Covid Made Lean Six Sigma More Emphatic? in International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology; ISSN: 2455-2143; Oct- 20 https://www.ijeast.com/papers/218-222,Tesma506,IJEAST.pdf