
Recent Research & Publication

Dr. Deepika Saxena

  • Relationship Between Students, Teachers and Parents in Low Budget Schools: A Study in Delhi/NCR, India in Interscience Management Review; ISSN: 2231-1513; Dec-21 DOI: 10.47893/IMR.2021.1119 Digital Financial Inclusion in India in Interscience Management Review; ISSN: 2231-1513; Jun-22
  • Sustainable Development through Green Banking: A study on Indian Banking Sector in International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research;  ISSN: 2350-0743; Jul-20 http://www.ijramr.com/sites/default/files/issues-pdf/3240.pdf
  • Enhancing Digital Payments Adoption Through Customer-Centric Marketing Strategies: A Conceptual Framework In MANTHAN: Journal Of Commerce And Management; ISSN: 2347-4440; Jun-21 https://www.journalpressindia.com/manthan-journal-of-commerce-and-management/doi/10.17492/jpi.manthan.v8i1.812104?dc=abs
  • Online Banking Usability, Risks & Comfort as Drivers for Influencing Customer Perception in Shodh Sanchar; ISSN: 2229-3620; Mar-21
  • Customer Perception Towards Air Purifier During Covid-19: A Study In Delhi NCR In Kala Sarovar; ISSN: 0975-4520; May-21
  • An Exploratory Study on the Need for Skill Development in Retail Sector in India in International Journal of Multidisciplinary; ISSN: 2455-3085; Jul-19 https://rrjournals.com/past-issue/an-exploratory-study-on-the-need-for-skill-development-in-retail-sector-in-india/