
Recent Research & Publication

Dr. Bhavneet Kaur

  • Factors that Affect the Investor’s Decision on Investing through Trading Apps in Korean Review Of International Studies; ISSN - 1226-4741;Sep-23 file:///C:/Users/ankitaa.JR/Downloads/6.Sugandha.pdf
  • Indian Youth’s Intention to opt for Sustainable Fashion Consumption Decision in European Chemical Bulletin 2023; ISSN 2063-5346;Dec-23 https://www.eurchembull.com/uploads/paper/d585022343f0751169d970c397580903.pdf
  • Factors Influencing Student’s Intention to Enrol in a B-School: Study in Delhi Region in Empirical Economic Letters; ISSN-1681-8997;Jul-23 https://zenodo.org/records/8360974
  • The Study of Influence of Instagram on Consumer Purchase Intention in Journal of Research Administration; ISSN:1539-1590;Dec-23 https://journalra.org/index.php/jra/article/view/1048
  • Factors Influencing the Decision Behaviour of Gen Z to Invest in Cryptocurrency in Journal of Informatics Education And Research; ISSN: 1526-4726;Jun-24 https://drbhavneetkaur.com/research-paper-published-in-last-2023-2024/
  • Perception of Youth Towards Starting a New Venture in World Journal of Management and Economics; ISSN: 1998-1392; Oct-23 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274465341_Understanding_the_Influence_of_Brand_Personality_on_Consumer_Behavior
  • Effect of CRM on Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality Sector in IPE Journal of Management; ISSN 2249-9040;June 2024
  • Factors Influencing Students’ Intention to Enrol in a B-School: A Study in Delhi Region in Empirical Economics Letters; ISSN:0363-8057;2022
  • Predictors of Youth's Intention Towards Investment in Mutual Funds in Journal of Informatics Education and Research; ISSN: 1526-4726; Jan-23 http://jier.org/index.php/journal/article/view/90