
Recent Research & Publication

Dr. Deepti Kakar

  • A Quantitative Study on The Factors Influencing the Intention to Use Retail CBDC in Korea Review of International Studies; ISSN 1226-4741; Nov-23 https://kristudies.org/vol-16-issue-08-sp-2/
  • Female Micro Entrepreneurship and Gender Driven Constraints A Qualititative Study on Lived Experience in Indian Context in World Journal of Management and Economics; ISSN 1998-1392; Oct-23 https://wesro.org/volume-16-sp-03/
  • Factors Influencing Student’s Intention to Enrol in A B-School: Study in Delhi Region in Empirical Economic Letters; ISSN-1681-8997; Jul-23 https://zenodo.org/records/8360974
  • Female Micro-Entrepreneurship and Gender Driven Constraints: A Qualitative Study on Lived Experiences in Indian Context in SCMS Journal of Indian Management; ISSN: 1824-9643; 2023 https://wesro.org/volume-16-sp-03/
  • Econometric Perspective of Agricultural Exports and Economic Growth Relationship: With Reference to India and China in International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management; ISSN: 1753-0814; Jun-23 https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJICBM.2023.131440
  • Agricultural Exports: Systematic Literature Review on Determinants and Export-Led Growth Relationship Across Developing Nations in Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies; ISSN: 2313-7401; May-23 http://www.asianonlinejournals.com/index.php/AJSSMS/article/view/4705/2624
  • A Review Study on The Concept of Nudging and Its Application in The Marketing of Healthy Food Products in UGC Care Journal, Shodhsamhita; ISSN - 2277-7067; Feb-22
  • Determinants of Indian Agricultural Exports in The Post Reform Period in Finance India (Vol XXXIV No 4); ISSN : 0970 – 3772; Dec-20 https://financeindia.org/volumes/v34no4.htm